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We  are thankful for the many businesses, foundations, congregations, and individuals who over the years have so generously offered their funding support, their congregational space, their services, their time and their kindness!

Fundraising Partners

We also thank the following Foundations, Organizations, Businesses, Congregations, and Individuals who keep us going and growing.

2023 Donors 


Brinkman Foundation

Connelly Foundation

The Community's Foundation

Ethel S Clark Smith Foundation

Foundation for Delaware County

Genuardi Family Foundation

JKD Foundation

O'Shea Family Foundation

Poise Foundation/BEC

Organizations and Businesses:

2SP Cibo Grill


Amazon Smile

Borough of Upland

Crustybread Ministry

Highmark Health

Network For Good 

Rick's Utility Sheds

United Methodist Women

Visual Communications

Wegman's Markets



Saint Mary Magdalen Church, Media

Swarthmore Presbyterian Church

Havertown United Methodist Church

Trinity Episcopal Church, Swarthmore

Unitarian Universalist Church of Del. Co.

Christ Church Ridley Park

Armenian Congregational Church

Washington Memorial Church

Individual Supporters:

ANGEL - Contributions of $5,000 to $9,999


DIRECTOR'S DREAM  - Contributions of $1,000 to $4,999

William and Anne Barker

Lucille Barcaro & Maria Courter

Sue and Mike Fromhold

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fromhold

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Halt

Robert M. Jordan

Sarah Ellen Lenahan

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lamoureux

Mr. and Mrs. John Westby


FAMILY CIRCLE  -  Contributions of $500 to $999

Ms. Barbara Drake

Mary J Hankins

James and Maria Lynch

Stacy Martin

Doug and Karen McLean

Anthony and Jacqueline Hayes Tilford


MOM'S HOPE  - Contributions of $250 to $499

Kathy Campbell

D'Ambrosio Family

Isabella Englebach

Margaret and Edward Finn

David Laquintano

Edward Mathis

Joe Miller

Leslie Pott

Mr. Charles Weiss

Glenn Weiss


CHILD'S SMILE  - Contributions of $100 to $249​

Justin and Kerry Barker

Paula Bedwell

Ruby Benson

Vallerie Biancaniello

Kerry Boyle

Erin Bradley

Mr and Mrs Charles Butsch

Suzanne Bullick

Charlie and Michelle Bramley

Mary Conroy

Kim Definis

Cindy and Mark Feinstein

Clare Flynn

Grant Grissom

Kelly Hassey

Maureen Henderson

Karen Heisler

Priscilla Holmes

Maureen Howe

Suzanne Judge

Sharon Kelleher

Beth Knaub

Sallie Lee

David Martin

Kathleen McDevitt

Alice McGovern Vroome

John and Kathy Misko

Gina and Joseph Mesko

Cecelia Mostardi

Joan Mullen

Phillip and Rosemarie Mullen

Theresa Murtaugh

Mary O'Shea

Terry Pennoni

Marianne Rafter

Colleen and William Robinson

Maureen Spellacy

Margaret Stammen

Eileen Stewart

Paula Troy

Maureen Wall

John and Susan Waller


FAMILY HOPE FRIEND  - Contributions up to $99

Maura  and Mike Bear

Susan Copple

Andi and Mike Cotter

Camille Crane

Jerriann DeCaro

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Delia 

Janice Dreachslin

Kimberly Friel

Sancy Gallagher

Linda Giannini

John Gillespie

Craig Harris

Mr and Mrs D. Theodore Irrgang

Jeannine Javage

Joyce Kowalski

Lois McLaughlin

Theresa Liney

Debbie Martino

Michelle Mattus

Lucy McCarthy

Mr. and Mrs. John McGettigan

Anne Mehalick

Karen Minnis

Camille Morrison

Mary Ellen Panzitta Dawson

Stephanie Pricken

Annette Rady

Kathleen Remy

Sue Anne Robinson

Nancy Rota

Lynne Rudisill

Susanne Smith

Cecelia Spellacy

Ruth Sperber

Patricia Szipazky

Catherin Weisinger

Claudia Westby

Kelly and Bill Wick

Sandy Young

2022 Donors


JDK Foundation

Richard G. and Audrey A. Brinkman Foundation

Foundation for Delaware County

O'Shea Family Foundation

The Community Foundation

Wawa Grant

Matching Bright Funds

Organizations and Businesses:

2SP Cibo Grill


Amazon Smile

Benchmark School

The BrickHaus


Cycle Fit Ridley Park

Highmark Health

Network For Good 

New Opportunity Publishing

United Methodist Women

Visual Communications

Wegman's Markets


Saint Mary Magdalen Church, Media

Swarthmore Presbyterian Church

Havertown United Methodist Church

Trinity Episcopal Church, Swarthmore

Unitarian Universalist Church of Del. Co.

Christ Church Ridley Park


Individual Supporters:

ANGEL - Contributions of $5,000 to $9,999

Jeanne and Tom Barker


DIRECTOR'S DREAM  - Contributions of $1,000 to $4,999

William Barker

Ms. Barbara Drake

Sue and Mike Fromhold

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Halt

Robert M. Jordan

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lamoureux

Mr. and Mrs. John Westby


FAMILY CIRCLE  -  Contributions of $500 to $999

Lucille Barcaro & Maria Courter

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fromhold

David Laquintano

Stacy Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morro

Ms. Barbara Epstein Sivan


MOM'S HOPE  - Contributions of $250 to $499

Edward Cikowski

James and Maria Lynch

Mr. Charles Weiss


CHILD'S SMILE  - Contributions up to $249​

Laurie Altmark

Paula Bedwell

Michelle Bramley

Cindy and Joe Bodalski

Pamela Prescod Caesar

Dave and Caron Coladonato

Mary Conroy

Anthony Delia III

Lance and Mary Donaldson Evans

John Gillespie

Priscilla Holmes


Jean Kearney

Annmarie Kelly

Susan Kleiman

Dave Lynch

Anne Mehalick

Doreen McGettigan

Joseph Mesk

Camille Morrison

Sheila Mullin

Mary O'Shea

Nancy Paterni

Mary Ellen Panzitta Dawson

Annette Rady

Kathleen Remy

Jane Rothrock

Kathleen Rush

Anita Savoy

Michael Shearer

Patricia Sheridan

Cecelia Spellacy

Christine Spellacy

Maureen Spellacy

Lori Stefano

Eileen Stewart

Claudia Westby

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