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Volunteer Opportunities 

Volunteers are the backbone of  St. Joseph's Family Hope Center.


Board Members are in charge of the administrative end -  writing grants, planning fundraisers, developing partnerships with both the faith community and community at large as well as overseeing the Director. 

Committee Members are involved in a specific committee chaired by a board member i.e. fundraising, finance, development etc.  

Congregational Volunteers  coordinate volunteer and fundraising activities within their faith congregation to support Family Hope.

Interns whose major of study is in the Human Service field are always welcome.  St. Joseph's Family Hope Center can provide students with hands on experience.

​Volunteer at our Family Hope Center:

  • Prepare a meal while families, help children with homework, provide general hospitality

  • Keeping our center organized and tidy

  • Volunteer an evening or weekend shift to offset expenses

  • Providing a service for our families

  • Sharing an expertise to mentor our families (financial literacy training, meal planning, resume help, etc.) 

  • Organizing a day of service for your students, sports team or youth group

               Contact: Executive Director at


Volunteer at our Bargain Basement:

If you like to organize things - please come lend your talents! 

  • Sorting and organizing our donations during the week.

  • Help out during our hours of operation - 2nd Saturday of the month 9AM - 1PM

             Contact: Dana Westby at


Family Promise-mom and son
All volunteers are required to undergo volunteer training and a background check.

"As a volunteer, I find it especially meaningful to see families that are struggling and then watch them get situated and into a better place in their lives.” 


Volunteer from St. Joseph's Family Hope Center

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